
Showing posts from December, 2021

The Zombie Uprising in Matthew's Gospel

Matthew 27 describes a truly astonishing and moderately creepy event that took place right after Jesus died.  The temple curtain was torn in two, there was an earthquake, and THEN...the tombs opened and many saints who had been long dead were RAISED BACK TO LIFE.   The zombies then went into the holy city, wandered around, and appeared to many (Mt 27:52-53). Actual photo evidence of the zombie uprising This is quite a thing.  If this actually happened, it should go down as one of the most astounding and miraculous things that has ever happened on this planet in all of recordable time.   So here are my thoughts: Matthew is the only gospel account that includes the zombie anecdote.  If zombies were REALLY wandering around the city, doesn't it seem odd that only Matthew wrote about this?  Did Mark, Luke, and John not know about it, or not care to write about it?  Did they not think it was important to document that people came back to life? There a...

Can we be moral without God?

The argument that we cannot be moral without God usually consists of two parts: Human morality comes directly from God Without God, there is no objective morality Let's assume God does indeed give us moral commands. Are these commands: Moral because God commanded them*?  OR Were they already moral before God commanded them? *This is called the divine command theory Obviously, those who insist that morality comes from God MUST say #1 is true.  But this also means that God subjectively decides which acts are moral.  He could command genocide ( and has ) and it would be a moral act, simply because he commanded it.  This also means that there is no objective morality--since God can decide what acts are moral, it is subjective. To avoid this problem, one might say #2 is true. But if God is merely commanding acts that are already moral, then morality exists outside of God, and we don't need God for morality. A good test to see which of #1 or #2 is true: If God commanded yo...

Why be a good person?

There are many people who claim that morality comes from a god . And they often say, "If there is no god, then why be a good person?" There are many reasons to be a good and moral person. To maximize the health and safety of people around us To treat people how we would want to be treated To minimize human suffering To exercise our natural instincts for compassion To earn the respect and trust of others To feel a sense of purpose To minimize the time spent in conflict with those around us To lower the amount of stress we feel To improve our mental health Many more, I'm sure...let me know in the comments. Let's revisit the claim that we can only be good with god. Does that mean: If there weren't a god in the sky watching you, you wouldn't be good? You are only being moral to earn some kind of reward or to avoid punishment? You would follow any command from your god no matter how depraved (since morality comes from your god?) Which person seems more moral: the ...

27 Puzzling Questions about Christianity

Ask these questions to a Christian and start some fun discussions.  But make it clear that the Christian is not allowed to answer the questions with any of the following cop-outs: God works in mysterious ways We cannot possibly understand God Suffering is necessary for free will You need more faith/Pray about it You're taking it out of context That's just your interpretation (without providing a satisfying interpretation themselves) The Bible is true because it says it's true (or any other circular reasoning) God has a plan, we just don't know what it is 27 Puzzling Questions about Christianity Is Satan omniscient and all-powerful? If not, why doesn't God just get rid of him? If suffering on earth cannot be eliminated because we need to have free will, then is there free will in heaven? Where did God come from? Why did God create humans with a biological need to eat, but then not provide enough food for us (9 million people die each year of hunger)?  Doesn't tha...