Why be a good person?
There are many people who claim that morality comes from a god. And they often say, "If there is no god, then why be a good person?"
There are many reasons to be a good and moral person.
- To maximize the health and safety of people around us
- To treat people how we would want to be treated
- To minimize human suffering
- To exercise our natural instincts for compassion
- To earn the respect and trust of others
- To feel a sense of purpose
- To minimize the time spent in conflict with those around us
- To lower the amount of stress we feel
- To improve our mental health
- Many more, I'm sure...let me know in the comments.
Let's revisit the claim that we can only be good with god. Does that mean:
- If there weren't a god in the sky watching you, you wouldn't be good?
- You are only being moral to earn some kind of reward or to avoid punishment?
- You would follow any command from your god no matter how depraved (since morality comes from your god?)
Which person seems more moral: the one who is good without god, or the one who is only good because they want to earn a reward or to avoid a punishment?
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