If God doesn't value human life, why should we?
Yahweh murders his chosen people because they ask for food
"Why have you led us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? There is no bread or water, and we detest this wretched food!"
"So the LORD sent venomous snakes among the people, and many of the Israelites were bitten and died."
What a great dad.
The God of the OT is a really far cry from pacifist Jesus... |
Yahweh murders 70,000 unsuspecting Israelites as punishment for something David does
In this bright little story, David takes a census of his troops. Why? Because God tells him to.
"Again the anger of the LORD burned against Israel, and He stirred up David against them, saying, “Go and take a census of Israel and Judah."
So David, being incited by God to take a census, does just that. He takes a census. It takes almost 10 months. At no point during those 10 months does God intervene and say "No, just kidding, actually this is a trap."
For some reason, after David takes the census, he realizes his "sin" (apparently wanting to know how many soldiers you have is a sin, even if you do it as some kind of Yahweh-controlled zombie).
As punishment, God says:
"I am offering you three options. Choose one of them, and I will carry it out against you...Do you choose to endure three years of famine in your land, three months of fleeing the pursuit of your enemies, or three days of plague upon your land?"
David chooses the plague.
So Yahweh sends a plague upon Israel and SEVENTY THOUSAND PEOPLE DIE.
People who had nothing to do with the census!!!! I cannot yell this loud enough!!!!!!
As if things couldn't get any worse, God sends an angel to destroy Jerusalem but has a change of heart and calls his angel off. How merciful of him!
So let's review.
- God gets mad.
- God performs mind control on David and makes him take a census.
- David takes a census.
- God gets super mad because David did the thing.
- This gives God an excuse to kill more people, which he loves doing apparently. It makes him feel better.
- God almost destroys Jerusalem but relents.
- Everyone praises God.
We are disposable.
Why should we care about each other?
We are supposed to model ourselves after Jesus (who is God), and we are made in God's image. The problem is that God doesn't seem to care if we live or die, or if we're hungry, or suffering, or sick.
He only cares if he's being worshipped.
If we have no inherent value in God's own eyes...if he cares nothing for our suffering (which is obvious from the state of things even today)...then why should we care?
Why should we care whether people are starving if God doesn't care?
Why is killing (or abortion, if you are pro-life) wrong if God doesn't care about human life?
Why should we care for the sick if God uses sickness as punishment?
It seems that we are way better at taking care of our fellow humans than God ever was at taking care of us. We nurse our sick neighbors, we give to charity, we have empathy and compassion for one another. These are all traits that Yahweh lacks. So where did we get them?
Turns out we had them all along.
We should care about other humans because we have an innate drive to do so. And this has nothing to do with being made in Yahweh's image. We're better than that.
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